Selangor Flood Modelling
Using NASA's IMERG Final Run Daily Precipitation Data in order to predict the probability of floods occurring in Selangor, Malaysia. Capstone project of my diploma program, done with a project partner.
Learn moreWhy is it that Logistic Regression is so often listed as a classification algorithm and not a regression algorithm? Dive into the rich history of Logistic Regression and finally understand the rationale behind such a contradictory classification (pun unintended).
ReadA simple compilation of information surrounding AI and several of its subfields made to help reorient one's self when faced with confusing AI terminology or unclear relationships/objectives that various subfields may have with each other.
ReadUsing NASA's IMERG Final Run Daily Precipitation Data in order to predict the probability of floods occurring in Selangor, Malaysia. Capstone project of my diploma program, done with a project partner.
Learn moreA simple anlaysis aimed at answering a few business questions about various electronic products through a rather messy dataset.
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